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Old 01-09-2011, 05:43 PM
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Bruce Babcock
Join Date: May 2009
Location: California
Posts: 576
Default OT/Professional athletes in the family?

I know that some of us at NET 54 are related to famous ball players, and others played pro ball themselves. No such luck for me. No one even smoked tobacco or collected cards. I've been searching for a pro athlete in the family tree for quite a while but have drawn a blank - until now. Lots of Puritans, missionaries, scientists, preachers, slaveowners, etc. but finally, a pro athlete. Sort of.

Some of you have seen this photo before. Any thoughts on the location? Could it be NYC?

I can't be postive that this guy is a relative but he probably is. I'm still working on that part of it. But I've since found more photos, newspaper articles and his full name - Oscar V. Babcock. I'm guessing he was born around 1880.

Nice outfit.

There is more here:

Apparently he was an amateur bicycle racer but a professional stunt bicycle rider, as well as a biplane pilot. He belonged to a club called The Harlem Wheelmen and participated in some six-day bike races, very popular at the time.

Any stories of professional athletes in your family to share?

Last edited by uffda51; 01-09-2011 at 06:02 PM.
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