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Old 01-17-2011, 01:05 PM
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tbob tbob is offline
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Buck Weaver the most overrated?????

"I have played against them all and in my mind there is no doubt that the best third baseman in baseball is Buck Weaver." Ty Cobb.

Buck was quickly becoming a star after adjusting to the hot corner spot. You have to remember he played in the dead ball era so his stats won't be as glamorous as later 3rd sackers. He also batted after some of the best hitters in baseball so his RBI totals won't be reflective as later players but he was a clutch hitter.
I would agree his cards are overpriced but that's due to his noteriety as being the only one of the banned 8 who didn't try to throw the Series and was on "the square."
Does he deserve to be in the HOF based on his career? Probably not since his career was cut short by the travesty of Landis, but most overrated? No way.
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