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Old 03-02-2011, 04:08 PM
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VinTX VinTX is offline
Travis W.
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 194

Originally Posted by Jim VB View Post
It all depends upon what your mindset is about collecting. Some people are very happy to just own a few key cards from a set. Others are "type" collectors and make do with a single example of each set. Some collect HOF cards or subsets of such. Some people focus on a single player.

But some people are not happy unless they collect as they did as a kid. I was never happy having just a few cards from a set. If the manufacturer printed it as a set, I felt it was meant to be collected as a set.

That disease is called "set collecting."

Scratch whatever itches, and NEVER take advice from anyone on a message board, about how you should collect.
so does that mean I should ignore yours as well? Honestly I tend to do exactly what you just said...I scratch what itches...some may call that being inconsistent...I call it doing whatever tickles my fancy at the moment, lol. Right now that's set building...later I may decide I want to go with singles, and then later I may say I wanna do another set...regardless it'll be fun and that's really the whole point right?

Originally Posted by theseeker View Post
Collecting is a very personal expression. I am a devoted set builder, although I do dabble with star and HOF persuits on occasion, particularly where sets are cost prohibitive. As far as the large capital investment in commoms, to a true collector it's really shouldn't be an issue. In many ways, the commons are actually more fun.
I agree completely...I've always held the opinion that any given card is worth exactly what someone will pay for it. So if its worth it to you or me to spend a lot of money on commons in order to put a really nice set together, then that's that!

Well, I've picked up a few more nices ones for this set, just waiting for em to show up in the ol' mailbox so I should have some updated here soon!
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