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Old 03-13-2011, 09:33 PM
Rich Klein Rich Klein is offline
Rich Klein
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Plano Tx
Posts: 4,566
Default Unless that file of uncut sheets photos

Made it home with me when I left Beckett, which I doubt, then I wuold have no idea where the uncut sheet information is.

As I said though, I am very comfortable with most of the DP information, not just from those sheets but from my dealer experience in which those cards show up all the time. There is no doubt in my mind that the DP list is correct.

Now, is there truly ONE SP row which is tougher than the others. It is possible but not for sure. I'd like to see the full sheet for that question.

A good example is the SP's in 5th series of 1961 -- I remember seeing that sheet at the Nassau Coliseum in 1993, and that sheet confirmed what we in the hobby long suspected that there were certain cards in that series shorter printed than ever other card. We knew from experience, an Al Rosen find of that series that Jim Maloney RC and Bill Skowron (for example) came up at about 1/2 the average rate of the other cards in that series. The sheet had all those cards confirmed as SP's -- it's nice when you can prove your theorem.

If we can ever get a full 67 Hi # Sheet; we'll get the SP answer to go with the DP answer


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