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Old 05-03-2011, 08:19 AM
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Originally Posted by teetwoohsix View Post
This is one of the most bizarre things about this,,,,I would think one of the first things they would do is release photo's of the dead bin Laden. But they didn't, and when the homeland security guy was fielding questions in the news/press conference, and was asked about providing photo's,,the guy (forgot his name, Bennen?) turned sort of red in the face and stammered out a bunch of nonsense.

When we killed Sadaam's son Uday, they provided photo's of his dead body so everyone could see it was him and it was true. Same with when they captured Sadaam. They even used to do it with the old gangsters who were wanted dead or alive.

But here, they quickly dump his body in the ocean and don't release pictures? Am I the only one who finds this as odd?
I think it's very, very odd. I think they're weighing the pros and cons with the cons being that its likely inflamatory and martyrizing. It sure leave a lot open to conspiracies though. My biggest reason for belief is in the comments coming from Al-Q people and Al Jazeera.

And +1 (2) for Mr. Novaks comment above. Ive seen a lot of people comment on who gets "credit" all over the place (moreso than politicians, so that should say something!). It seems nonsensical to me. Obviously, the soldiers on the scene and supporting staffs deserve the lions share of credit. They risked their lives, they performed the task at hand. Obama deserves some share of credit for making it the CIAs top priority and for having it happen on his watch. Bush deserves credit too for laying the foundation that was continued and led to certain information that was critical in the process. There's just no way something like this gets done without a huge amount of people contributing their parts to the effort. Its silly to think otherwise.

Last edited by Section103; 05-03-2011 at 08:26 AM.
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