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Old 05-09-2011, 08:42 PM
mrvster mrvster is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 4,294
Default T206


I vote you,Tim and Jim as the new t206 crusaders!!....although there are many others(Art M, Etc.,Ect.).......keep hold of the flame

we must look to your research primarily...unless a Nicholls is
produced, might as well burn Ted's lists.....

i'm usually the Peace keeper, but this hobby sees enough CRAP!!!

we don't need it from one of our "brain trust"....story telling i'm leaving up to Mary Poppins...

these cards make people do some strange things
Why is

......some super great points....

Ted, why NO RESPONSE????!!!

PLEASE MAN!! tell us you had a momentary lapse of reason...

just admit it, and we can move on...if not , collectors will be chasing their own tales for what???eventually collectors will catch on that some of the cards you said existed , really don't exist..

either way, the truth will come out....we would accept you back, admit your mistakes, just change your ways....we could use some good , honest research
it is just another bruise that collectors don't want to deal with, and turn people off of the hobby....i love my cards, don't get me wrong, but crap like this turns me sour


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