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Old 08-01-2011, 08:08 AM
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Tony Ooten
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Originally Posted by steve B View Post
The supwerset spreadsheet has raw numbers on a bit over 17,000 cards. My copy is old and I'm not sure if there's a newer one. The person who made it os on the list so getting a copy should be no problem.

Steve B
Thanks Steve,

Bill was kind enough to forward a copy of the spreadsheet to me last April. Love the format and I sincerely appreciated his willingness to share since there has to be months worth of hours by multiple people put into that effort, and I see the 17,000+ raw cards.

Actually I just went back to Scot Readers Inside t206 and see his back distribution data which reports percentages of each back seen in his 20,000 card survey. (This is pretty much what I was asking for in my OP)

I used Scot's data and Bill's data and "combined" the two to get a ball park of the ratio of each back type to all known t206's.

There were 2 or 3 places that my results didn't jive with JimR's list of difficult backs that has been referenced in a few threads recently.

For example, there are as many Brown Hindus on the superset spreadsheet as there are SC150-25's. Yet Brown Hindus are #12 on the list of difficulty and SC150-25s are #31.

Just makes me wonder if there is an update to the known back distribution data - or if I may be looking at the info all wrong.

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