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Old 10-14-2011, 05:28 PM
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Brandon Brown
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Saint Charles, Mo
Posts: 227

Thanks for all the comments guys, both positive and negative. Many of you are right, I let myself get in deeper than I should, based on an overly competitive personality, and as one poster put it "keeping up with the Jones'" type attitude. It has taken me a really long time (too long obviously) to realize that I dont have the resources to collect certain cards, along with other things I call hobbies. Its true, pissing off people (Hi Pete) has made me understand that its me, not the world, that needs to change.
The MAIN reason I chose to air this with the board, as some of you cynics have wondered, is that I have had many successful transactions with people here and elsewhere on the net, and I wanted to thank them for putting up with me, and to explain to them, and anyone else in my situation that someone else out there is going through the same crap. Also, if anyone who still considers themselves a friend wants to know why I am no longer an active participant here. I may pick up a card now and then, but this forum makes things way too easy for me to get into trouble. As many of you said, I need to step away from the hobby, and be sure I try to be a "hobbyist" and not an "investor". I plan to evaluate my interests, and hopefully someday I will be able to narrow my collection into something more manageable for someone under my circumstances.

*By the way, I recently had a seller here tell me he wouldnt sell me a card because he knew he would see it on the BST in a few days anyway. Is it really a sellers concern what happens to a card once its paid for?
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