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Old 10-30-2011, 06:03 AM
mrvster mrvster is offline
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Default t206 backs


Great thread, and all the other posts were well thought out and brought up great points, WE NEED JIM R AND TIM TO CHIME IN.....brown hindus and broadleafs are off the charts the last year, i see them leveling off a bit , but not going down just slowly appreciating but not at the rate of the last year....

btw i voted yes.....

as you know i love the scrap/freaks, but my supply has dried up, so i am focusing on some of the tougher backs to fill my addiction...hence another competitor me also driving up prices

simple economics=supply and demand...

the supply will change as collector focus changes,(some collectors will move some and start selling) the actual supply will, of course, remain constantly the same since no more can be printed and unless huge discoveries deflate some of the rarer backs, they will continue to rise!! unless everyone decided to flood the market all at once and start selling all there rarities as long as demand increases, or remains long as the collectors desire the t206 rarities(which i only see the rising interest as pointed out in previous posts)..

Popularity of the set just increases every year, so more competition for the supply will continue to "push" prices up....i see the cards (rarer), appreciating at a greater rate than inflation % wise....this also might make for a good investment(yes, unfortunately they are "tiny" stocks), but unless your buying low and selling high, you might be just a humble collector not looking to make cash in the short run.....some would stronly disagree as investment potential, but the proof is in the would be coins or gold/silver for me if i wasn't addicted

We would need actual data to trend the back increases, i can almost guarentee if you plotted the rarer back over the last ten year period, all of the trends lines would be a solid increase year to year, with very few staying the same(common backs because less of a demand, more of a supply)...

yes...they will continue to increase, but different rarities at different rates, but the trends will remain just like they have, given the continued interest and focus of the set , and increased some collectors start dabbling in the commons, they "get bitten by the monster" and feel the need for rarer and better cards, also pushing up demand on the rarities...

look at all the rarities in the set...dem, magie, plank, just to mention a few....these could be good indicators on the rare back trends, HAS ANY OF THESE RARITIES DECREASED OVER THE LAST TEN YEARS?? you can expect the rarities to follow similiar trends of the big cards in the set...

phew! my business degree was talking here sorry

hope it wasn't too much babble....

btw....if anyone interested in bailing, i'll take your freaks/scraps or rarer backs

get out while the goings goodLOL!!!just email me


Johnny V

(the original Johnny V), anyone else is just an imposter...

Last edited by mrvster; 10-30-2011 at 06:04 AM.
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