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Old 11-16-2011, 02:36 AM
grandstand69 grandstand69 is offline
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Location: San Clemente
Posts: 21

Originally Posted by autograf View Post
I live in Louisville....hometown of Ali and the Muhammad Ali center.........I've got and have had a lot of Ali stuff over the years. I'm not an Ali autograph expert though. I've seen tons of in person Ali's and gotten in person Ali's that are complete different from each other. The ravages of Parkinsons have taken it's toll on him. I have a coffee table book that his photographer/handler did quite a while back that my dad got signed in person by Ali at a book signing downtown. He signed it in four places. My dad said he just kept turning the page and signing. One of the signatures looks TOTALLY different from the others even though it was signed at the same time. So.....who knows. I'm not sure what JSA/PSA charges for COA's but if you can get a couple hundred of them certed for $30-$50 per piece and they come back legit, I can imagine you would recoup more than that per piece. If you could sell for $400 instead of $200-$250, it's a no brainer. I wouldn't discount getting them certed by PSA/JSA even though they have their issues too..................
Thanks for your input. Believe me I've thought about submitting 25-40 at a time, however, my wallet keeps talking to me reminding my business side that I HAVE 300+ of these not to mention a batch of artist proofs #d /50. 300+ of the same item is a lot to move if my only outlet is ebay. I would imagine I'd flood the market fairly fast if I didn't stagger the sales over the year. I need to find a buyer who can buy 10-20 pieces at a time who have other outlets. I know with JSA COA or even PSA these should fetch a respectable amount. All his other 29x26" Lithos are $750-$2k and up. If you have any other thoughts or know a buyer who would do a trade/cash or cash deal please let me know. I thank you for your comments.
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