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Old 12-10-2011, 08:58 PM
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DixieBaseball DixieBaseball is offline
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Default Sick of MLB ?

I love MLB. I am sick of cheaters in MLB. This can be said for NFL and some other sports. What should bother anyone that pays for a ticket to a game or spends money towards professional sports or has a son playing sports is they have to compete against these cheaters and perhaps lose out at different levels in ball, whether it is high school, college, minors, or pro level. I would love to see all the major sports get uber serious about ridding cheaters from sports (Specifically, those that take hgh, drug enhancers for performance) There is nothing like seeing a natural athlete do their thing. I am hopeful Braun is still that athlete. If not, lump him in with Bonds, A-Roid, Sosa, etc. - These guys mean nothing to me.
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