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Old 12-14-2011, 11:58 AM
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GrayGhost GrayGhost is offline
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Originally Posted by fuddjcal View Post
this is one reason why i became "the lowly mantle collector", not an elitist that collects babe ruth \

after not being able to tell a mickey mantle from a fakey fantle, i sought out to learn myself and not let the alphabet soup companies or fde's dictate to me what's fake and what's not. I cut my teeth on the autograph forums then putting in years of study on mantle. I realized from the beginning of my autograph journey, the power collectors give to the soup companies. I participated in autograph alert which only bashed soup companies and not the fde's like moral ass, drew max, and the boobs at stat unauthentic (tta) rubber stamping every damned forgery in sight???? The autograph industry is so sickening i can taste the throw-up in my mouth.

Pretty much continued to collect only mantle because he was the only one i could see the differences myself between forgeries & the real mccoy. Never would i buy a soup company certificate, i always bought the autograph. Some did have soup labels on them. Most do not, which i preferred.

This ruth debacle & that's what it is, has the potential to hurt the autograph industry further. I'm glad i have collected only mantle and didn't try to obtain anyone any higher on the food chain, like ruth. I can't wait until the day comes when i get to sell the whole lot of garbage and be done with the whole autograph mess......yet again.

I was determined to collect only what i know. I knew the day will come when the soup companies would go the way of the gai global dodo bird...extinct!

Much like i knew in the 80's that gm would go bankrupt. It took a while but it happened until bailed out (lol) it is inevitable as long as those 2 soup companies refuse to address glaring & inherent issues & weaknesses with their business models. They are on a similar path, too big to fail?????? I think not.

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