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Old 01-13-2012, 10:01 AM
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zljones zljones is offline
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Originally Posted by novakjr View Post
Personally when running a search of pre-war, I'll either edit out BINs and search by Time Ending Soonest. BUT I also run one with BINs by Price + Shipping Lowest First. Never have any problems with the first search. The second however is a nightmare. You have to rifle through tons of reprints, conlon cards, negro league postcards, national pastimes(or whatever), tcma's, stat game cards, amongst a bunch of other crap.. Even after using the "-()" for most of the bad keywords, you've still gotta go at least 20 plus pages before you really get to anything that's actually pre-war. I usually jump ahead, but I always wonder if I'm missing something that's lost in the mix of all the BS..

NOW I'd like to address sellers that list their cards and such with random inventory numbers. ie:1917(well, you get the point). Those cause multiple era listings and flood the hell out of every imaginable search. And those who list the Conlon cards by the year of the photo on the card. Please F***ING STOP...

I have no problem with somebody wanting top-dollar for their items...They're not gonna get it, but I have no problem with it...It's clearly the mis-listings(whether intentional or not) that piss me off.
Amen to that, I too am sick and tired of reprints and other garbage listed in the vintage category or as a card in general when they are not even cards. When I was on my hunt for a T205 Johnny Evers awhile back, I would put in T205 Evers in my search then it would keep pulling these two black and white reprint photos. What the hell do reprint photos have to do with T205!?
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