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Old 01-23-2012, 02:33 PM
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Tom Boblitt
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 2,014

1. Instead of a single DH, go to a 3 DH system where the 1,5 and 9 batters are DH's.
2. Allow DH's to play till 55. Why should they be put out to pasture because they can't play anymore. Corporate America allows it........
3. Only DH's should be allowed to take PED's. AND HGH.

1. Ditch the DH (low hanging fruit)
2. Actually re-evaluate 19th and early 20th century guys for the HOF. If Alomar's in, so is Pete Browning and some other guys. And Rose.........
3. Do something about escalating salaries....I like the more incentives and less direct salary route.
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