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Old 02-13-2012, 11:14 AM
Hankphenom Hankphenom is offline
Hank Thomas
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Originally Posted by mschwade View Post

I've been interested in several items on his site before, but have only bought once from him and it was a $40 autograph that was the best example of a $25 dollar name I could find. There are several autographs I am interested in he has, but I usually just end up being patient, doing a lot of research on the signature, and finding it elsewhere.
Kevin's been one of the largest volume vintage autograph dealers in the country for about 20 years now, so I guess his business model works for him. He's not making his living on $25 autographs, that's for sure. As a general proposition, I've never understood complaints about a dealer's prices. If you're not interested in an item, what do you care about his price? If you're interested in an item but can find it cheaper elsewhere, as in the example above, what do you care about his price? And if you're interested in an item but can't find it cheaper elsewhere, how can you complain about his price? So what's the point, exactly?
Hank Thomas
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