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Old 02-14-2012, 02:12 PM
David W David W is offline
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Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
David, the premisis for your original argument (which is the same point others have made) is that "granny" (or any uneducated buyer) could be confused by BCCG's grading scale by assuming that one TPG's 10 is the same as another TPG's 10.

My counter argument was that if "granny" (or any uneducated buyer) could be confused by BCCG's 10, then why couldn't they be confused by SGC's 10?

Now you try to prove your argument by stating "at least a "10" from them (SGC) is labeled "Poor..." Sorry, but that's where you lose your argument and here's why. We've already covered this objection. See post #17 where I tried to defend BCCG by saying that they are putting a description of the grade on their flip, and then the following post where the OP said that buyers aren't reading the description, only the number grade. So, the word "Poor" or anything else doesn't matter - only the number (grade) assigned to the flip.

So, I ask my question again. How can you tell me that BCCG's 10 could be confusing to someone that doesn't know the grading scale, but SGC's 10 isn't?

Edited to add 2 things:

1.) At least David came back on here to try to defend his position. Nothing but silence from the others who tried to make the same argument that David did.

2.) I agree with David that it is just a way for BCCG to make more money. But he says that likes it a bad thing. What's wrong with making money? When did companies that make a profit become evil? Didn't PSA exapand their grading scale (the use of half grades) to make more money?
1 - SGC's grading scale confuses the bejeebers out of me, are you happy>>>>
:-) - I think an 84 should be about the same as an 8.5, but it's I'll concede you the point.

2 - I own my own business, I have no problem with BCCG making money, or anyone else. :-)

3 - As for TPG companies, I've only got a handful of graded cards, they serve a purpose, and I hope they all succeed but I never renewed my PSA membership a couple years, and they never seemed to miss me, so I never went back. :-)
4 - Never, never argue with anyone named David. You will never win. :-) Unless it's my wife, in which case she wins (but only when I let her)

Last edited by David W; 02-14-2012 at 02:14 PM. Reason: smiley faces
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