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Old 03-07-2012, 09:43 AM
Volod Volod is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: NEOH
Posts: 1,079

Like Drew, i was compulsively obsessed with the '52 Bowmans, but it was back in the '80's, after feeling the first pangs of mortality,
which got me reflecting on childhood for some reason. I was flipping through a Street & Smiths annual and saw an ad in the back for 10 mint condition Bowman cards for five bucks. Couldn't even recall which year I had collected as a kid, so sent Larry Marchant 25 smackers and when I saw the '52's i knew they were the ones i had to have. Took me about ten years to complete the set because i obsessed over registration of the images and went through several of each card looking for the best examples. These days, my hobby
lunacy seems to be focused on the '51 Topps issues.
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