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Old 03-25-2012, 10:24 AM
Brianruns10 Brianruns10 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 343

Precisely. And I think more and more people will be drawn with fascination to the classic years of baseball, back before players became steroid addled monstrosities. Back when players had a sense of community loyalty, and stuck with teams rather then sell them and their fans out for a bigger paycheck, and a better shot at a World Series Ring. Back when getting their autograph meant hanging out by the entrance to the team locker room, not in line for an hour to pay 50 bucks for a drunken, wavy line passing for a signature.

Like I said, I have practically zero interest in major league ball today. None. But I adore the game as it was played in the 50s and earlier. It is an era that everyone I talk to who grew up in it speaks of with great fondness. It is an era I sorely wish I could know, but never will.

Through vintage cards, I'm able to get a little taste of it.
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