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Old 04-24-2012, 02:16 PM
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Ke.n Su.lik
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Originally Posted by HOF Auto Rookies View Post
I understand, honestly, I don't think it would be as construed as people think. Steroids will only help so much, the rest is upon the individual. You still have to be able to do your job in hitting the ball etc. Averages may go up a few tenths of a point at best, and home runs maybe around 35-50 more per career I'd say. Those close balls hit to the track or off the fence could go over.
I think you miss the reason for taking steroids, at least for a baseball player. It's not to make you much stronger, it's to keep your body in top shape. A normal body wears down after exertion, so over the course of a 162-game season, anyone will have lulls in performance. But on steroids, the body bounces back at an extremely high rate, meaning there are no lulls, therefore players can play at peak for every single game. That's why so many on the busted list were relievers. There have been many in baseball's history who have come out of the gate at a much higher HR rate than Ruth or even Maris, but by the end of the season they've worn down. This is how Mac, BB, and Sammy kept the pace going.

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