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Old 05-21-2012, 08:27 PM
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Dave Johnson
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Nebraska
Posts: 964
Default Here is a 2nd email I have sent to everyone tonight

First off, thanks for the many notes, requests for lists, and inquiries about the state of my health. It has been a pleasant surprise to say the least.

Apparently my last email alarmed many of you, so I thought I should take the time to add a bit more to the story. I apologize for the back-story here, but feel I need to give a few more details based on many of the return notes of concern I have been receiving.

I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma back in 2008, It was discovered because I had two blood clots in my lungs – one of which ruptured…., and fortunately that did not do me in…This was the first of many times to be thankful for me.

I was able to get through that and was doing well when a routine checkup found the cancer again. This was in late 2009, I had a number of complications, ended up going through a stem cell transplant, made multiple trips to the ICU,had 6 different surgeries, a temporary colostomy done, was on oxygen for about 2 months,…pretty much every rare and weird thing that can happen to a Hodgkin’s patient. I am certain I pulled through due to a lot of people praying for me and honestly just thinking that the only choice I had was to get better.

Since August of 2010, I have been doing much better and just celebrated 2 years since my transplant a couple of months ago. I continue to have routine checkups and am feeling great, healthy and THANKFUL.

As I have mentioned to some of you, I have simply come to a point where I feel I will enjoy more still finding some nice cards, but then trying to help other collectors get them into their collections. I will still be active on message boards etc., and at some point may even get back into collecting.

So… I am initially pricing for sale my complete sets and some individual cards ( that are not a part of sets in my PSA registries) .

In the beginning stages of attempting any sales., I will attempt first to sell any complete sets and keep the cards together.

Unfortunately I had a spreadsheet all done but for some reason my computer did not save it as I thought, so I am starting over again with it I apologize for this delay. Frankly as I have added up everything I have, it is a larger number than I anticipated.

Some of my pricing may seem a bit high, but again I am not in a “forced to sell” mode. I am doing this because I want to, but if I cannot realize prices that I am happy with, then I am more than happy to keep the cards.

Since my post about selling my collection I have received numerous inquiries, many about individual cards, and even a couple about the entire collection. (including an auction house contacting me) I will do my best to respond to all of these inquiries in due time. Due to the huge interest in a few cards in particular, I may need to do something to allow all parties an equal chance on them. Perhaps even a live auction on the Net 54 Boards???

Again, thanks for all the notes, comments etc. At this time, I will get some lists out to the people that are SERIOUS about a possible sale for the entire collection and once those conversations are completed, I will then get more info out to everyone in a spreadsheet/email

If you know me well enough you know the comments will likely be lengthy and my descriptions may be long….what can I say…I like to talk…(or type)

In the meantime..Happy Collecting!

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