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Old 05-23-2012, 05:27 AM
jefferyepayne jefferyepayne is offline
Jeff P
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Virginia
Posts: 2,045
Default Layout of SP Chicle's on uncut sheets

Hi Mike,

Given that there are 12 short prints in this 36 card set, it does make sense that each sheet was 12 cards. I took a few images of the non-sports, 12 card Chicle sheets a while back and tried to build a layout by card number to see how these sets were put together. Also looked at where the sideways cards were located on these sheets. My hope was that there would be a pattern to their layout that I could copy for the '35 Chicle short-prints and piece together what an uncut sheet might look like if they had used the same pattern.

In summary, I could not find a pattern that made it clear how the '35 Chicle SP's may have been laid out on a 12 card sheet. I've been looking for miscuts of these cards as well to see if I could determine which cards where next to others and on the edges but so far no luck there either. Anyone have any miscut Chicle's?

I'm at a loss as to what to try next to validate the theory that the location of SP's on the sheet is the cause of some being more scarce than others. Without a find of an uncut sheet, it is unclear how these 12 SP's were positioned on a sheet.

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