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Old 05-31-2012, 11:08 AM
HexsHeroes HexsHeroes is offline
Vincent Hecksel
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Lansing Michigan
Posts: 590
Default Jim - Wasn't one of your last Nationals when . . .

Originally Posted by JimStinson View Post
I was debating pouring acid in my eyes or going to the National , as to which would be more fun And I elected to skip the later. Probably because I remember the days when the National was FUN. When you could meet old friends and actually buy great stuff, I knew almost everyone in the room. Then it became corporate .... I think the last National I set up at was in Atlanta and the last one I attended was somewhere in California. Not sure what years but I think Eisenhower was President

. . . you and Bill Corcoran hosted alittle hotel room social that included the presence of Bob Feller ? I can't remember. Seems like a very long time ago.

Hey, if you think you might get bored at Bill's booth, why don't you give Ron Gordon a call before the show and ask him to bring some of those New Mexico ratters with him. That should liven up the place. Especially if one (or three) happen to escape on the showroom floor. Somehow, I can imagine that the three/four of you could find a place that sells decent snake-bite medicine (I'm partial to good Irish whiskeys).

Last edited by HexsHeroes; 05-31-2012 at 01:13 PM.
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