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Old 02-10-2012, 11:16 AM
thetruthisoutthere thetruthisoutthere is offline
Christopher Williams
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 3,899

Travis loves to talk numbers, so let's talk numbers.

You see, Travis uses a different calculator than we do. Travis, what about the hundreds (or thousands) of Babe Ruth garbage autographs that Chris Morales, Drew Max and Ted Taylor have certed over the years. I guess those dollars don't count.

What about the hundreds of Lou Gehrig garbage autographs that Chris Morales, Drew Max and Ted Taylor have certed over the years. I guess those dollars don't count.

What about the thousands of autographed photos (including Ali, Mantle, Mays, DiMaggio, Ted Williams) certed by Max, Morales and Taylor that were sold by an auction site for over two years. I guess those dollars don't count.

This month (Feb 2012) alone Coach's Corner listed sixteen (16) Babe Ruth autographs. Four are certed by Morales and five by Taylor. And that's just this month. But I guess those dollars are irrelevant, Travis.

What about the 100 or so Christy Mathewson cut sigs and baseballs that Morales has certed for Coach's Corner.

This month over at Coach's Corner there are three Christy Mathewson cut sigs list. All certed by Morales. But I guess those dollars are irrelevant, too, Travis.


Now let's talk real dollars. The majority of those Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Christy Mathewson, Walter Johnson, etc., are sold to retailers, who then sell that crap for 5-20 times their purchase price to impulse buyers.

I guess those dollars are irrelevant, right, Travis?

Last edited by thetruthisoutthere; 02-10-2012 at 11:26 AM.
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