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Old 11-14-2007, 07:10 AM
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Default Veterans Appreciation thread

Posted By: Ted Zanidakis

As a US Air Force veteran that saw duty during the Cuban Missile crisis (1962) and the start of Vietnam
I salute all our Troops, past and present.

Also, I salute George W. Bush for protecting us since that tragic day, Sept 11th, 2001....I salute him also
for being an expert Pilot of the F102 Fighter plane. I'm familiar with this Jet aircraft, as there were many of
these planes at Dow AFB in Maine. This fighter plane was the most difficult Jet Fighter to control and master
due to its Delta Wing design and its powerful Jet engines.

The F102 was being phased out in 1969-70 and that is essentially the reason GWB didn't see action in 'Nam.
There were a limited number of AF pilots that could fly this plane and you better believe that GWB would've
gone to Nam, if the F102's were going. By the late '60s the F102 was considered an old aircraft.

That's the REAL story guys....contrary to what CBS and the phony, fake "Dan Rather's" in the media were
trying to shove at us.


You beat me to it....but, I'll reprise what you's worth repeating for the benefit of the uninformed.

COUNTRIES.....Elected LEADER's Politics








SPAIN...............LIBERAL........but, he recently told Hugo Chavez (the NEO-COM-mie) of Venezuela to "shut

the hell up" with his incessant anti-American rhetoric.

Do all these people electing Conservative Leaders really "hate" us and our Government ?

I DON'T THINK SO ! ! ! !

Their VOTES speak louder than the the liberal "bull-crap" from ABC, BBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NBC.

Semper Fi....LEON....and to all the Veterans and Active Duty members of Net54.


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