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Old 04-27-2010, 03:42 PM
wonkaticket wonkaticket is offline
J0hn McD@niel
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by T206Collector View Post
Why is this Plank...

...already bid up higher than this SGC 30?

To me, the first one is a worthless fake, too. But evidently there is a market for this stuff -- even when it is disclosed.
As the high bidder on the first Plank I respect your thoughts...but disagree to a point.

For me I would rather have touched up 150 subjects Plank over a beater or out of focus 2 350 Plank.

There's also big diff to me as collector from a professionally restored original card to a creation of a card that never was (Back/Combo skinned etc). That card had to be a Plank to begin with not a Cobb and another common with a back joined together as the thread is discussing or suggesting. Also as long as it's disclosed I see no problem and the card restored will always sell far below market value not like an undisclosed creation card or trimmed card.

To me it's like classic cars a 100% original rust bucket or a nice looking rebuilt car that's 70% original.

Fact of the matter the market is there for cards like this Plank for simple economics...I want a nice looking 150 Plank and short of trimmed examples and rebuilt ones there has been none for sale in a long time. And if I want an VGEX+ looking Plank 150 this is my option as there has not been one for sale or if was for sale it was out of my price range.

But there's also a flip side why you and others may see no point in the above Plank. There may be other collectors like myself who have no desire to own rougher examples like you currently own Paul.

No judgment to each his own...that's the great thing about all collecting one person will see no point and another finds a lifetime of enjoyment.

As for fakes been here and will continue to be here. Nothing anyone can do about it so get used to it sorry folks. A few folks hacking cards in their spare time to unlock the mystery won't change anything either. The Plank I'm bidding on is a prime example there have been two Planks re-built in the past few years that were sold as such and looked great...ever wonder how many cards are rebuilt that aren't disclosed.

The people who do these restorations are professionals. Not folks who dabble out of their garages or houses. If a person has the time, money and the drive fakes will flow you can’t stop it. The only way we will ever find out is after the fact; after some poor person has been taken...then we will know.

Don't believe me look at the mess Chan created with a stamp from Kinkos and website...LOL

A big step in fixing this hobby is holding folks accountable and having the restraint to say no to the folks who are caught or implicated in bad stuff. Not just outing card doctor techniques and or posting conspiracy theories on a chat board.

Perfect example Mastro/Allen people still bidding in Legendary. Pat Chan people still using the T206musuem...for every thread that airs dirty laundry on here or in print. Collectors still rush to the mailbox and place bids with the same folks we complain about.

We as collectors don't do enough holding folks responsible.

Just saying no I won’t bid in that person’s auction. Or I won’t take this persons word he was caught in a mess and has no real credibility why should I trust him. That would go a lot further than anything Kevin can do for us and we all have the power to do so..but most of us don't I'm even guilty myself to a degree.

That’s why we as collectors will always be taken advantage of because we don’t do the above.

Guys faking cards is just a portion of the bigger problem IMO.



Last edited by wonkaticket; 04-27-2010 at 05:14 PM.
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