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Old 07-24-2021, 08:06 PM
BobC BobC is online now
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3,275

Originally Posted by Tabe View Post
He also explicitly stated that black people were inferior to whites and said he would gladly keep slavery if that would save the Union. He said he was opposed to "bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races." While serving in Illinois, he supported laws that barred black people from voting or serving on juries or interracial marriage.
In college I had to read a book titled "Lincoln Reconsidered". A very interesting read and insight into Lincoln's thinking and true nature. Would have been very interesting to see how history would have turned out had Lincoln not been assassinated. By Booth and his fellow Confederate associates doing so, they basically fired up the abolitionists and anti-Southerners in the Norther states, and in the government, and gave them more than enough ammunition to push forward their more extreme anti-Southern views and legislation, and possibly change how the ex-slaves were to be treated. If I remember correctly, it seemed that Lincoln was going to push for sending the freed ex-slaves (and any already free blacks living in the Northern states) back to Africa. Believe he already had support in Congress to do so, and money set aside to assist with re-colonization of freed slaves to Liberia I believe. His assassination ended that possibility though. Also seem to remember that his Emancipation Proclamation was not entirely about just freeing the slaves, but was really more of a warning and punishment to the Southern states that if they didn't stop their rebellion, he would declare the slaves free so the Southern states couldn't continue to keep them as slave labor.