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Old 08-19-2016, 08:03 AM
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Jason S!m@nds
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 867

Hi Toppsaholic,
I hope you're well. I believe we have done business and I can't remember anything negative, so welcome to the board! Members here will often call out sellers with counterfeit cards, altered cards, fake autographs, poor customer service and a whole slew of other reasons. I have been on the receiving end with a poor packaging job that resulted in damage.

Members are very nice, and extremely helpful when you explain your story. It seems like you purchased a fake Cobb and were called out for trying to sell it. Maybe explain how it happened, who's involved and maybe we can assist in getting your money back. At the very least we can help make sure this mistake never happens again.
All the best,
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