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Old 02-03-2023, 09:14 AM
Willjaimet Willjaimet is offline
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 50

Originally Posted by raulus View Post
Hi Will - I'm also from Oregon. I live in Wilsonville, and work downtown in Portland, so in some ways, we're probably practically neighbors. I'm relatively new on the Net54 board (about ~9 months now), so I'm not intimately familiar with the history here, and I also have never purchased one of your products, which means that you and I also have no previous commercial relationship.

But if you will indulge me, I might venture a few (hopefully helpful) observations:

1) I've never heard your name before you started posting in the last day or two. This suggests to me that no one is really talking about you, including the important fact that no one is talking negatively about you, at least not around here, at least not as long as I've been around here, prior to the last 1-2 days at least.

2) Reading some of the older posts, along with a few of the responses you've received so far suggests to me that you're not likely to receive a warm and welcoming reception around here. So your strategy may be flawed, unless all you really want is to pick some fights. If all you want is to mix it up with the Net54 populace, then my guess is that your strategy will be successful.

3) While it seems like you want to defend yourself, prior to your re-appearance, no one seems to have mentioned you in a while. As such, it seems like you're digging up old and cold history that many of us either didn't know existed, or had moved on from. Since it seems to be history, my advice would be to leave it in the past. The only potential exception might be if you're looking to process refunds for anyone who feels they didn't get their money's worth from your past products - I'm sure anyone in that position will appreciate your gesture.

4) If you're wanting to rehabilitate your image, and prove that you're a great guy, then actions speak louder than words. Coming on here and sparring with net54 posters probably isn't going to get you there. Processing refunds, sure. Putting out good products that are well received by the hobby, sure. But arguing, even loudly and stridently, about the ancient past on hobby chat boards probably won't do much to change hearts and minds.

Just a few modest ideas, in the spirit of trying to be helpful to you in your quest. While all of us enjoy throwing metaphorical rocks at each other, and having a front row seat as others trade blows, my experience as an erstwhile combatant in one or two great Net54 battles of yore is that sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.

Good luck!

Great post and I agree with some of it. But to be completely honest it was a lot to read and I’ve got to get into the Houston Tristar show here soon. But I’d love to meet for coffee if you want. 503-351-0139 is my cell. Feel free to text me if you’d like to grab a venti
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