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Old 10-14-2020, 07:35 AM
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TanksAndSpartans TanksAndSpartans is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquarian Sports Cards View Post
No the grader shouldn't have given it an 8 if qualifiers weren't rejected. You always have the opportunity to ask for no qualifiers. If you fail to do so they are going to give the card the highest grade possible regardless of qualifier, and it's always been that way. Pretty simple to check "no qualifiers" in the old days you had to hand write it on your sheet next to every card!
Scott, can you please clarify? Are you saying that it could have gotten an 8 if the submitter checked no qualifiers? A 9 OC is equivalent to a 7 in the registry, so with a checkmark, I would think the best non qualifier grade would be a 7 just to make the math work.

Originally Posted by Wid_Conroy View Post
I love how everyone just passes over my comment on measured centering and simply goes by the eye-test.
Did you measure the front? Zoom in and do it. I did. it is outside the range of a 9.
If the OC designation was used every time a card had 71/29 centering, I think we'd observe a lot more cards on the market where eyeballing them they looked fine, but were graded with an OC qualifier. I look at new cards almost every day from my eBay search results and that's not what I observe. My guess would be the grader was a stickler on the back top/bottom centering which again, I don't see happen much but would be technically correct.

Last edited by TanksAndSpartans; 10-14-2020 at 07:55 AM.
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