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Old 10-14-2011, 09:02 AM
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Browncow75 Browncow75 is offline
Brandon Brown
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Saint Charles, Mo
Posts: 227

Hey Barry,
I am just to the point where all I am doing lately is pissing people off, either by taking too long to do deals, or having to hold off because of financial problems that come up. I am not blaming anyone for those situations, nor am I looking for sympathy. People seem to think that I am just blowing off agreements willy-nilly, without any thought for the seller. That is far from true. The stress I put myself under with these deals means as much to me as if I were buying anything from anyone. I really enjoy collecting cards, but my situation has finally gotten to the point where people dont trust me, and I dont blame most of them. In some cases however, when I have legitimate reasons for my shortcomings, certain people who I KNOW are dealing with multi-thousand $ cards, think its the end of the world when I cant come through on time. I very rarely tell anyone "no, I cant do the deal at all". Granted, it is frustrating when that happens, but selling a $100 card shouldnt be a life-or-death scenario. The cards are just getting too damn expensive, and there is too much competition for someone like me. I am rambling, and not making much sense so I will stop here.
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