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Old 05-06-2021, 07:57 AM
jgannon jgannon is offline
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Originally Posted by Frankish View Post
These Red Sox comments are too funny. Although the only real hate/frustration I understand is from people who grew up Sox fans. Why do so many other people hate them?
As a Yankee fan, I never hated the Red Sox or any other team. I think the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry - although, real - has been hyped by media in recent years looking for an angle. When I was a kid, during the Orioles heyday in the late 60's and early 70's, they used to beat the Yankees with their formidable team. But I never hated them. I had a grudging respect for them. They were a great team. The Yankees had a great season in 1970 winning over 90 games, and the Orioles still won the division.

As far as rivalries go, one of the most intense was back in the mid-90's, the real rivalry the Yankees were a part of was between them and the Mariners. Those games were really something. The fans at the Kingdome were really part of the game.
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