Thread: Advise needed
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Old 03-23-2007, 10:31 PM
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Default Advise needed

Posted By: davidcycleback

If you don't belong to PayPal toss it.

Except in rare cases, you don't get a virus by merely opening up an email. You have to open up a bad email and click on a bad link or download an image they want you to download ... It's best to delete an irrelevant titled email without looking at it, but rarely will mortal harm happen if you open up an email just to read the text. The exception being that some email programs automatically show all images when an email is read. That's not good, but the email program can be set to not show images.

There is a television commercial where a woman in a cubicle clicks on an enticing titled email, and the mere act of opening the email instantly shuts down her and her workmates' computers-- but that's pretty much science fiction.

My mom once asked me about an email she got with title saying she should update the info for her online CUNA bank account. I told her that from the title it obviously was a scam as 1) She doesn't have an online account with any bank and 2) CUNA wasn't her bank. No need to look at it, toss it out.

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