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Old 03-03-2010, 03:34 AM
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thekingofclout thekingofclout is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Default My piece was a souvenir brought back by my parents from their trip.

In 1966, my Mom & Dad went to a convention in San Francisco (for Met Life, as my Dad was an agent for 40 years). Well, my Dad was a huge DiMaggio fan (goes without saying for any full-blooded Italian) despite being born and raised in Chicago.

In 1963 my family moved to So Cal, at which time I was five and just beginning to learn about baseball. So back to 1966. Just as the convention was winding down, my folks climbed into the Buick and began the trip back home. They were near the wharf so my Dad decided to stop for a cup of coffee at DiMaggio's so he could at least tell his friends he went there.

The restaurant was just getting ready to open as a worker told them it might be a bit until they were served. My father said, "we just want to get a cup of coffee before we make the long drive home." So they took a table and halfway through their coffee my Father spots who he believes is Joe DiMaggio and tells my Mom "there's Joe DiMaggio" to which my Mother replied "no, that's not him". My folks went back and forth a few times until a voice spoke to my surprised Mother "I sorry Ma'am but your Husband is right...I AM Joe DiMaggio!"

At that point, Dimag turns a chair around, straddles it and joins my folks for morning coffee. Well, needless to say, my Dad was like a little kid. As Mom would tell it, " I've never seen Tom (my dad) so happy...ever!"

After 20-30 minutes, Joe said he had some business to attend to, and as they were getting ready to leave my father asked Joe if he wouldn't mind signing some scrap of paper my mom had dug out of her purse for his three sons (my poor sis got left out) and the Clipper answered..."I'm sorry I can't sign that... but I'd be happy to sign THIS for you" at which point he pulled out a menu and signed it to my brothers and I.


It sits on my desk to this day. Although some time in my teens, I though it would look better without the illustration of the restaurant on the wharf and took a scissors to it.

My mom eventually gave my cards away, but at least I ended up with the single most prized piece I'll ever own.

BTW... this signed menu was ALSO the reason my passion for baseball took on a life of its own...but I'll spare you the details, for now.

Sincerely, Jimmy
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