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Old 07-03-2020, 12:14 PM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,327

Good afternoon, Volod. When my son's schedule and mine intersect, I will have him load the ad up. Hopefully, he will not have to adjust the scan due to the KB limitations, but he has done that before.

Honestly, my friend, I feel the weather is much worse here in northern Indiana due to our close proximity to Lake Michigan. We get the high humidity that makes the heat index dangerously high. Conversely, in the wintertime, we are attacked with Lake effect snow.

Now, what you describe is indeed unpleasant, and I am not just agreeably responding. You see, I went to college at Ball State University, which is central Indiana, and their summers could be scorchers. Worse, I was a long distance runner on their cross-country and track teams, which translates to never take much time off from training throughout the year.

I must admit that at my advancing age (mid-60s), none of these weather extremes agree with me!!!! At least we have appliances to deal with these matters.

My very best to you. Hope you uncover something special to you in the near future for your collection. --- Brian Powell
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