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Old 07-01-2021, 04:44 PM
Volod Volod is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: NEOH
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Huh...I thought the Postal Regulatory Board was supposed to be in the process of removing DeJoy as PMG...oh, well...I can empathize, John - I live in a suburb of a large city and my internet service for the past month of so has been down every day whenever I try to get online. Usually, after about four hours so so, it abruptly come up for a while, then goes down again. In shopping around for a new service provider, I had a rep at one place confide to me that my current provider (the largest and near exclusive outfit in my area) routinely shuts out customers it regards as "bottom feeders," meaning they subscribe to the lowest cost tier of service and therefore consume the smallest bandwidth of internet signal access. So, maybe that or something similar is what your local PO is experiencing?
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