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Old 01-25-2021, 03:49 PM
68Hawk 68Hawk is offline
Dan=iel Enri.ght
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 370

Originally Posted by glchen View Post
I think it's a bubble, and it's in modern cards moreso than vintage. If the 3 year old Mahomes card is worth 200K, then that Cobb is worth 3K. This is irrational exuberance if I've ever seen it. I read on cnbc today Robinhood-type retail investors are trying to short squeeze hedge funds: Link. I think some folks are just throwing crazy money at different investment vehicles right now. Is this really the new normal, I don't know.
The stratospheric heights modern is going to may be a bubble, but long term I think it will hold higher value than all but Ruth and a few others - Gehrig, Jackie Robinson, Mantle, Mays, Aaron - in the vintage world.
The 80's to present day players are the sporting icons these last few generations have grown up with. It's this group of new collectors that are establishing the worth to own limited stock of the rookie card of players they've actually lived alongside and experienced first hand.
The vintage stuff wasn't birthed the same way..... it became widely popular with later hobby historians and deeply sport related enthusiasts.

I foresee RC's of Trout, MJ, Lebron, Jeter, Brady, and perhaps a few others like Montana/Rice, Mahomes, etc to be higher priced cards than almost all vintage.

It's not dumb to me, actually makes perfect sense
Old cardboard isn't fundamentally more valuable than new cardboard, it's the associations with a large enough collecting community that means the most.

I've actually grown to like the shiny stuff, I only really buy a little Lebron and Mahomes, but can enjoy the design and materials and limited print runs to create really pretty modern artwork.
There will be waaaaay more modern collectors who carry this hobby forward than the type of hard core knowledge hobbyists you'd find here on 54'.
Not a bad or good thing for mine, it just is.

Last edited by 68Hawk; 01-25-2021 at 04:01 PM.
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