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Old 04-02-2021, 02:28 PM
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Marc S.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 587


The idea is good. The implementation is harder.

Were I to take a guess, I'd say that there are approximately 4,000 tabbed Zeenuts "out there" in the hobby universe. Some might have different approximations of the numbers, but I think that's as good a guess as any, based on the little I know.

Now, I think that this falls under the classic 80/20 rule. I strongly believe that there are four or five collectors out there that each have 500+ tabbed Zeenuts in their respective collections.

For your idea to work, I think you'd need to get at least two of those collectors on board with your idea. I'm not sure there's many people who could even put names to those folks with tabbed Zeenuts. And a few of the folks I know who like Zeenuts are not necessarily super excited at the idea of sharing scans/pictures online.

I hope you can get it to work, nonetheless! I'd love to see something like that
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