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Old 03-05-2022, 06:43 AM
jgannon jgannon is offline
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
No, I don't watch Fox news either even though they are, by far, imo, less biased and partisan than CNN or MSNBC.

CNN's and MSNBC's ratings have plummeted lately and I attribute that to people finally waking up and realizing they are just Liberal propaganda sites anymore that spread nothing but lies and fake news.
FOX news, for what's it's worth, is leading the charge now with MSM ratings, but many, like the vids I have posted, are turning to the likes of Jimmy Dore and Joe Rogan, to name just a couple.

MSM, btw, is the acronym for Main Stream Media. I wouldn't necessarily lump all other Free Press entities in with them as they clearly aren't Main Stream, imo.
Hey, just want to let you know your not alone out here. Most people don't realize that the news they watch is corporate media, not truly independent media. Regarding the entire Ukraine thing, most people are unaware of what the U.S. promised Russia about NATO after the latter agreed to the unification of Germany. Russia has warned the U.S. about Ukraine for years now and their warnings have been completely ignored despite the U.S. also being warned by many Russian scholars and former ambassadors to Russia.

To espouse this viewpoint doesn't mean that one is a Russian asset or that they support the war. It just means you're educated and know why the crisis is occurring. It's very hard to have rational conversations with people on the subject who don't know any of the background.

Btw, Dore is excellent and has on excellent and truly informed people like Glenn Greewald, Max Blumenthal, etc.

Last edited by jgannon; 03-05-2022 at 06:46 AM.
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