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Old 07-27-2005, 09:54 PM
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Default when and how did you start?

Posted By: Julie

Street in berkeley--posters, modern art. I am told he still sells baseball cards out of the basement--but I'[ve never caught him in.

A week later, after the Brock, he was putting a '55 Robinbson away (making sure that I could see it), and I gave him a note--"I'll give you $20 for the Robinson." I'd never seen a price guide, didn't know what year it was from, and deluded myself into thinking I was buying it for Chris:

Many years later, when he set up at one of Dennis Purdy's vintage shows in Concord, I bought what was close to my first 19th century card from him. 'For you, $1000," he said (there was a higher price marked on it). I don't think it was a great deal by any means, but I still have the card:

Actually, aside from the upper left corner, that's a pretty damn spiffy card--so cloear!

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