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Old 05-19-2021, 07:05 AM
Huysmans Huysmans is offline
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
I am generally pro-vaccine (they have done many great things and greatly extended human life) and make risk averse choices in life. I do not think Bill Gates is trying to implant me with a microchip. Upon reflection, I have decided not to get this one. I was concerned at first, especially after seeing the videos form Wuhan on the other side of the internet, with people appearing to be dropping like flies in the street. I have completely ignored Covid since August.

First, it is not thoroughly tested. Complete blanket immunity was given to the drug companies, each of which has a spotty record when it comes to ethics and honesty. it is not FDA approved for anything but "emergency use" (Yes, I work in an FDA regulated industry, I know what this means), it is rushed. I do not greatly doubt its efficacy, but there is no reasonable argument that this was not rushed out the door and there may be much unknown. I am careful about what I put in my body (learned that lesson the hard way), I do not drink sugary drinks, I do not eat junk food, I do not take medications unless I have no other choice and modify behavior first if that might work instead. I am not perfect, but I don't take something because someone in authority told me too.

Second, the reason to get a vaccine is to avoid the risk of the affects of the disease, which is a very minor risk to me now that we have much more data. In many countries the average age of death is lower than the average age of death of people who die from Covid. The CDC, which is supportive of the narrative, projects a death rate for those in my age group that might as well not exist. And this is all done after counting in a way that maximizes Covid deaths, by tabulating people who die within 14 days of a diagnosis (or even reporting a symptom that could be 100 other things) as if they died from Covid. One need not be an expert in statistics to see the absurdity of this. Imagine if we counted "vaccine deaths" the same way? You would see large numbers of 'vaccinated dead', even though because X happened and Y happened, it does not mean that X caused Y. I don't get flu shots, I see little practical reason to get this either.

Third, the appeals to authority do not stand to reason to me. "trust the science" is not a good argument, especially when much science is ignored if it does not suit the narrative of the people saying this. Surgical masks were not found to be effective against airborne viruses in studies before 2020. Put on a surgical mask, step outside on a cold morning, and breathe. See your breath in the air? States with high mask usage are not doing better than states without. Masks are separate and distinct form the vaccine, but based on the previous absurdities being pushed by "science" about Covid, 'trusting the science' makes no sense beyond the fact that appeals to authority are always a fallacy. It is also fundamentally not how science works, question everything is how actual science works. I trust clean statistical data, not appeals to authority, not papers with massive control problems bankrolled by companies and groups with a vested interest in that specific outcome.

Foruth, on the personal side, the public hysteria that is completely out of line with the measurable risk, makes me just not want to participate in show this at all. I live in a state that uses this as a reason to restrict core constitutional freedoms, like assembly (unless it is a riot supported by the media, those weren't mass-spread events and were okay, but me and my extended family having Thanksgiving dinner sure was considered such, as were political events the media did not approve of). Any questioning of the narrative is met with derision, the social witch-hunt at schools, companies, and in communities here to virtue signal their heroism for locking themselves inside for over a year and castigate anyone who simply does not participate in the show pushes me deeper into the no-vaccine camp by emotional instinct.

If I spent my life afraid of things I have a roughly 99.8% chance of surviving, I would fear almost everything in the world. This strikes me as a stupid way to live, whether or not the fear being discussed is the current flavor of the month and socially popular. Even if this vaccine is somehow the most safe thing ever devised in the history of the world, the difference between it and getting Covid at 30 with a healthy weight and no vitamin D deficiency is negligible.

I think people should decide for themselves, based on any standard they choose, rational, emotional, or absurd. 'My body, my choice', right?
Best post within this thread by far....

ESPECIALLY points three and four.
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