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Old 12-08-2022, 05:37 PM
1952boyntoncollector 1952boyntoncollector is offline liebe.rman
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
Yeah it's important not to generalize. Like assuming fat people = poor people for some reason, even though it is factually true that obesity is cross-class problem. Science, actual science, is important too. If you consume less calories than you burn, weight goes down. If you eat high fructose corn syrup garbage and fast food, you're consuming unhealthy and high calorie food. It has a negative effect on your health. Eating vegetables, for one of many examples, many of which are very cheap, is much more advisable. I too managed to eat while poor, though I didn't get the benefit of food stamps and the taxpayers picking up my meals. I changed my diet around to a healthy one, while poor, after suffering the negative consequences of being fat (which was nobody's fault but my own) and through basic human biology and an iota of self-control, lost that weight by eating less than I burned, and then ate to maintain a healthy weight. I am not special.

Eat more than you need, get fat. Eat less than you need, lose weight. Eat what you need, maintain weight. If you get obese on your diet, you are consuming more than you need (except for the tiny % that actually has a true medical condition here). This is not hard. It's basic biology.
it funny how people worry about the outliers and the 99%.


eating less and moving more loses weight...or tapeworm 2022, we really dont need to hear that people in the 30s dont know about what healthy food is and that coca cola is bad for you and costs more than water at mcdonalds yet poor people buy coke. but water is FREE..with that dollar you could get a can of tuna.....heck with the 100 cokes bought a year 'fast food' thats a good amount of healthy food that can be bought....french fries or carrots..which costs more? So people make bad choices... but lets say its a medical condtion.

Bacon doesnt need to eaten ever either or Pizza, how much is a can of chickpea and beets...

Last edited by 1952boyntoncollector; 12-08-2022 at 05:39 PM.
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