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Old 03-30-2020, 12:37 PM
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GeoPoto GeoPoto is offline
Ge0rge Tr0end1e
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: Saint Helena Island, SC
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Default Calling all team collectors

I don't see a lot of team-collector discussion/posts here. But, as I am one (Washington), I thought I would try this. Team collectors have HoFers who are viewed as having spent their entire (more or less) career with that team. For me that is Walter Johnson, Sam Rice, Bucky Harris, (maybe) Goose Goslin, and (sorta) Clark Griffith. Followed by HoFers whose careers were split between success in Washington and elsewhere -- (probably) Goslin, Joe Cronin, and Heinie Manush. Then you have important career Washington players, who didn't make the HoF -- Sam Judge, Buddy Myer, Deerfoot Milan, and Ossie Bluege come to mind, among others.

To a (Washington) team-collector, all of those players have multiple important cards. Lesser players and/or players with less Washington experience round out the universe of interest. Some of these "lesser" players may have figured into important moments in team history, but they generally hold less interest than the ones mentioned above.

Finally though, there is one additional group of particularly interesting players. These are high-profile (HoF or otherwise) players who have only passing associations with Washington and, though well known to baseball collectors, are not generally thought of as Washington players. Here are some examples. The last one is Al Simmons.

Perhaps other team-collectors have similar examples in their collections. Famous and/or very accomplished players who did not earn their fame with the collected team, but did manage to be on a card for the collected team.
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