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Old 07-21-2022, 11:56 AM
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BobbyStrawberry BobbyStrawberry is offline
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Originally Posted by steve B View Post
I don't think that damage or lack of damage has much to do with that being their choice.

I think that choice is more often about the "image" the weapon presents.
In the graphic I posted, the bottom gun is in nearly every way functionally identical to the AR-15 in the center. But to some it looks more old fashioned than "cool" or "tactical". It's also marketed as a "ranch gun" a term I've never heard of before now. It also happens to be at least 600 cheaper than an AR-15 type from Daniel Defense.

That was one of my points about who buys them and why.
To use an example from a different field, I'd love to get one of the current performance cars from Dodge. But if it was performance, I'd get more for my money with a Tesla. Would I probably speed a bit in both? Well, yeah. Pretty much everyone does around here. Would I be more likely to get a ticket driving a bright green charger than a silver Tesla? Also yes.
Would the typical Charger owner be more likely to be caught doing burnouts somehwere? Yes. (My opinion, as is the opinion that burnouts a stupid and display nothing but how poorly your suspension is set up. )

Would someone troubled and potentially violent prefer the AR over the Ruger? Of course. (Not all AR buyers of course, as it includes options for accessories that have genuine real world function)

That top one? That's an M1 Garand, used extensively by the US military in WWII. 30-06, and very powerful. My friend says that with a bit of fairly expensive work it can be an excellent target shooting rifle. Still competetive after 80 years. And although limited still available through the civilian marksmanship program run by the government. (fairly strict qualifying requirements though so buying one elsewhere may be cheaper)
It's also good for hunting.
If it's damage you're looking for, it's a far better choice. But again, old fashioned looks, so the crazy people won't go that route.

(and all that from a non-gun owner who has friends that target shoot and hunt)

I think a bigger and deeper problem is societal. *any use of you're or similar words are in the generic sense, not specifically you.
An overall impatience.
An absolute insistence that "I'm right"
A very self centered approach to solving a problem. Protest in a way that not only is a nuisance to the person whose actions you're* protesting, but to innocent people who may agree with your* protest.
An insistence that people don't disrespect someone. Again a self centered approach that respect must be given for merely existing rather than earned.
People on both sides of any political debate/argument dehumanize the "other side" through name calling etc.
Lack of if not outright disdain for personal responsibility.

All of that seems to make some people think violence is the quick fix for their grievances.
Why they ever think kids are the ones to go after for that is way beyond me.
All reasonable and fair points, Steve. It's the bolded part that I keep coming back to. I remember a time not too long ago when I could go into a bar anywhere in the country and have a reasonable and respectful conversation with people whose views on things sometimes could not be further opposed to mine. These days, people ask "which side you're on" as if we are at war with our neighbors and compatriots.
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