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Old 03-02-2014, 09:17 AM
Blitzu Blitzu is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 301

I've been going to that show for most of my life. I even think that was where I met Mickey Mantle. It seems to be getting smaller each year but it's probably that I'm just getting bigger. They usually have all the big dealers, auction houses and graders there. It seems to flip flop some years on whether PSA will grade and encapsulate on site. They usually have several large vendors selling boxes and cases of the newest stuff. I've sort of been annoyed each year with the growing number of vendors with nothing but those uniform/bat/signature cards. I personally hate those things. There's a small area for food and the autograph area usually has decent players show up. I've seen some pretty incredible cards there on display over the years. I remember seeing my first real T206 Wagner there, and the amazing Ty Cobb tin Legendary sold in their auction a few years back. Overall a worth while show to attend IMHO.

Last edited by Blitzu; 03-02-2014 at 09:18 AM.
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