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Old 01-16-2010, 05:36 AM
tedzan tedzan is offline
Ted Zanidakis
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Pennsylvania & Maine
Posts: 10,053
Default Dave's

Your approach (group by group) is an excellent way to put together "The Monster". I did this exactly with my all-PIEDMONT set.
I first tackled the 150 Series cards. Upon acquiring the 154 cards (minus Plank & Wagner) in this 1st series, I then proceeded to
work on the 350 Series.....etc, etc.

When you set a goal like this, it's seems less daunting a task. Conversely, when one considers a 500+ set right from the start, it
can lend itself to discouragement in a relatively short time.....and, The Monster has beat you.

Incidently, I have more Southern Leaguers that you need. Email me if you interested,

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