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Old 03-02-2021, 04:48 AM
tabasco tabasco is offline
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 5

People that domestic abuse are crap although his charges were dropped in the end. The alleged racist comment reported by one journalist was something he has denied.

There's another Top 15 in Basketball that was in a huge alleged sexual assault case. Prosecutors seemed to have a strong case but it was later dropped due to the victim refusing to continue same as how Hull's domestic charges were dropped. I sold his rookie card when I heard about the sexual assault case and never bought his card again but immediately after, everyone seem to have forgotten and he became much loved by everybody and will forever be immortalised. People choose to not remember this Top 15 basketball star's past.

There has been alot of players with past controversal history that made it into HOF in all sports. With Hull, its understandable that people would prefer to collect the Top 10s with cleaner images. But there are also other players with history in sports that people choose to turn a blind eye.

Speaking of blind eye, in an unrelated topic, Mark Wahlberg was a racist that attacked 10 year old black kids with rocks and permanently blinded a Vietnamese army vet in another one of his racial attacks. He wasn't a Top 10 of anything but still made quite a big name for himself in his industry and people continue to support his movies. People just seems to pick and choose which jerks they want to forgive and forget.

Last edited by tabasco; 03-02-2021 at 04:51 AM. Reason: .
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