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Old 06-17-2019, 09:01 AM
silvor silvor is offline
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 159

Originally Posted by bnorth View Post
I do have a few questions.

Why would anyone save silver for when the economy completely collapses?

Seriously why would silver have any value, because some people hoarded it?
Because that's what the guys on a message board say.
Of course they don't mention if the refineries will produce fuel for silver or be taken over by the feds, cartels or whatever.

Originally Posted by bnorth View Post

If silver is being mined at 9 times the rate of gold what is it being used for? There is already so much gold that has been mined that if any small country was to sell all their gold. It would make it almost worthless world wide.

Is the market only hanging on now because the hoarders are supporting it?
No, the federal government is holding the price of silver down so we think "money" is currency and we keep our fiat bills. This keeps the lower and middle classes in check and they can simply print more and more paper currency. HOUSE OF CARDS WILL FALL!!!

Geeze, inform yourself already.
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