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Old 06-14-2023, 01:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Tomi View Post
Has anyone ever seen a crease somewhat reappear or a corner coming back up after the card has been holdered? I've wondered if these alterations are permanent or temporary fixes.
I'm not sure how people would possibly know this unless they are the ones who did the work on the card/s in question. I've read multiple reports of people claiming this happens, but every time it's from someone who couldn't possibly know that to be the case. It's always someone who either heard it from someone else, or who just sees a flaw on a card in a holder and reasons "that crease must not have been there when this card was holdered, otherwise, it never would have been given this grade." Anyone making that claim would either have to admit to being the person who made the crease disappear or be a first-hand witness to someone else "improving" the card on their behalf. Otherwise, they don't know what they're talking about because they didn't see what the card looked like before the crease was removed.

I don't believe you can take a card with a large obvious crease and make that crease disappear. As in truly disappear. I've heard it claimed countless times. I've also seen numerous cards where someone thinks they've removed a crease, yet I have no trouble finding it. I know they can make it look better, but truly disappear? A full-blown large crease that breaks the surface and is visible on both sides of the card? I've never seen anyone who can pull that off. Not even Dick Towle. I know people can make light surface wrinkles or light creases that only affect one side of the paper disappear by using either moisture or smashing the hell out of a card, but that's different. And if a card has been smashed, that's detectable and should be caught by the grading companies.
If it's not perfectly centered, I probably don't want it.

Last edited by Snowman; 06-14-2023 at 01:24 AM.
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