Thread: On the easel...
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Old 03-31-2010, 10:16 AM
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JasonL JasonL is offline
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Default Graig, you know what you could have suggested....

With that T206 Wagner commission?? Oh this would have made for SUCH a cool piece!

Paint Honus posing in the artist's studio for the portrait that was used to make the card. Now, while the original was a Horner cabinet (is that right?), wouldn't that be a fun piece, to re-create a scene where the T206 card was being painted, and Honus himself was sitting for the work in the studio? That way you could have taken license with the rest of his body and clothing as he sat there, as well as re-created what an artist's studio might have looked like at the time!
It would be like taking a picture of the scene when the card was created.
Well, maybe that's a little corny or folksy, but you could probably have some fun with that. could probably apply that concept to some other baseball scnes of the past century as well...might require some thought, though.

excellent work, once again, by the way. and thank you again for continuing to share these and your thoughts with us...
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