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Old 08-26-2013, 05:39 AM
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Dan Marke1
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Houston-area
Posts: 650

Originally Posted by botn View Post
Assuming the grading companies are now, or will shortly be made, aware that Joe might be the one messing with the cards and he is submitting under his own name and the grading companies want to stop Joe, they should let him continue to submit so they can look more closely at his submissions. If they cut him off then he will just submit through someone else and they will have to go to greater lengths, which they will not do, to track him down. If they do start rejecting his stuff he will simply start submitting through someone else.

By the way, another great post by Dan Markel who seems to be the smartest guy on this board.

Thanks for the kind words, but I'm certain I'm not the smartest one here, but I've definitely been through the School of Hard Knocks on this topic.
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